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Dried Ginger Powder

Dried Ginger Powder

Product description:


Ginger is one of the oldest, the most common, and potentially the healthiest spices in the world. The pale brown spice is used in almost every households for a variety of reasons. Be it culinary or medicinal, ginger tends disappoints you.


Ginger powder is extracted from the dried roots of the ginger plant. The powder is of a pale brown color and has a very strong and distinctive aroma to it. The slightly pungent and earthy taste of the powder adds a different kind of flavor to all the recipes.


The origin of ginger cannot really be traced as it has been existing in every culture from a very early time. Every cuisine of the world uses dried ginger powder in a form or the other. But, it not all ginger is known for. The spice is used to fulfill a lot of health requirements as well. Ayurveda has always encouraged the use of ginger and dried ginger powder in various proportions and in different ways to promote good health.



Health Benefits:


  1. Gingerol present in ginger power has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties which help the human body in more than one way
  2. Ginger helps treat cold and flu, and other related problems like sore throat, etc.
  3. It is used reduce nausea and promotes good digestion.
  4. It is beneficial for cancer patients in a way that is suppresses the post-surgery nausea and vomiting that usually arise after a chemotherapy.
  5. Dried ginger powder is good for our intestinal health as it eliminates gas from the tract by stimulating digestive juices in the stomach.
  6. It is a good tool for weight loss. The consumption of ginger powder with warm water can boost up your metabolism and help you shred some extra fat from your body.
  7. Consuming prescribed doses of ginger powder helps keep your cholesterol and triglyceride levels at control.
  8. Dried ginger powder is also a savior from the menstrual pain that almost all women suffer from.
  9. It works very effectively on muscle pain. There is instant relief from muscle pain if you use ginger powder regularly.
  10. Ginger powder is great for treating Osteoarthritis.
  11. It provides protection against brain malfunction and Alzheimer’s disease.
  12. It prevents anti-bacterial infection in the mouth, specifically the gums.
  13. Ginger powder boiled with rosemary or lavender oils and water, act as an excellent toner.
  14. Ginger powder in tea or warm milk or warm water gives relief from headaches.
  15. Chest pain can be cured by mixing ginger powder with sugar and coconut water and drinking it.
  16. A small amount of ginger powder with baking soda and little water can be used for body cleansing.
  17. Ginger powder mix with milk or mix powder works well on acne.



  1. Culinary Purpose
  2. Healthcare Purpose
  3. Beauty care Purpose

How to store:


Dried Ginger powder should be stored in an airtight container and kept at a cool place.  This way the spice lives its lifespan of about one year.

Nutritional Profile:

Vitamins: -

  1. Vitamins A, C, D, E (Alpha Tocopherol), K, B6, B12
  2. Thiamin
  3. Riboflavin
  4. Niacin
  5. Folate
  6. Pantothenic Acid
  7. Choline
  8. Betaine


Minerals: -

  1. Iron
  2. Sodium
  3. Potassium
  4. Zinc
  5. Calcium
  6. Magnesium
  7. Phosphorus
  8. Copper
  9. Selenium


Apart from the above-mentioned properties, ginger powder is a great source of dietary fiber. The also offer protein and a good about of healthy carbohydrates in them. These ensure a good and healthy life for all.

Botanical Name:  Zingiber officinale

Family: Zingiberaceae

Part Used: Root Rhizome

Grades: Natural

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